Musings and observations caught at the peak of formation, packed, sealed, and blogged.
May 27, 2003
Disc Golf
Okay, so I'm a stay-at-home Dad and I have no time to take up a sport -- especially one where I have to travel an hour each way just to do it. But Disc Golf has been on my mind a lot lately. I wonder if I could find someone to teach me on Father's Day weekend up at Amesbury Pines? That could be my wife's father's day gift to me. Hmmm..
1:01 AM
May 23, 2003
“At London's Heathrow Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator.
“Authorities believe he is a member of the notorious al-Gebra movement. He is being charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.”
10:28 AM
I would like to propose a new acronymn for our common vernacular: PTO. No, it doesn't mean what you think. It's "Personal Time-Out." For those of you who work in front of a computer, it means the time you push your chair back in disgust and/or frustration and go take a walk. For those of us who work with kids, it's the time you step away from them and go log on...
7:57 AM
May 22, 2003
Don't have time? Feh....
Author William Gibson figures he averages about 12 hours/year in front of the TV, and that he has done so since he was 15 years old. He admits that it has been so by no particular design but still has had a wonderful side-effect:
I suspect I have spent just about exactly as much time actually writing as the average person my age has spent watching television, and that, as much as anything, may be the real secret here.
9:42 AM
May 10, 2003
Graphic Novels
Get to know them. Take a gander at It's a whole different way to communicate.
12:02 AM
May 09, 2003
www = better writing?
First the Mac, then PCs, and now the Internet is bringing the death of quality writing? Not so says Ben Hammersley in the Guardian article, Don't write off the net
11:32 PM