Musings and observations caught at the peak of formation, packed, sealed, and blogged.
July 13, 2003
Administrative note: new comment system
As much as the idea behind QuickTopic is cool, I've found it too tedious to make a new thread whenever I post. Instead, I'm going to try Haloscan which is supposed to be able to automate the process for me. Since there hasn't been a single comment in my entire blog apart from one from my mother, I'm going to go ahead and delete them all once I'm sure Haloscan is working. (Sorry, Mom). I hope all of you out there enjoy the change... Hello? Is this thing on?
11:07 PM
July 08, 2003
I love comics. They're the first set of links there over on the left. There are a couple more comics I need to put in there, but one great syndicated one which I just learned about is:
Michael Jantze's The Norm. Head on over and give him a read. Subscribe even!
My latest obsession, though, is with journal comics. These are comic realizations of journal entries. Much better than the usual, uh, "stuff," that people throw up on journal pages. The best portal to these is the Journal Comic Jam. Go there and click around!
8:36 AM